
Historic England is the public body that looks after England’s historic environment.  They champion historic places, helping people understand, value and care for them.  To discover more, see their website  here

To see the Clifford Castle entry follow this link  HE Clifford Castle

Historic England also writes fabulously detailed research reports, with extensive historical and geographical/geological analysis that puts the castle into context. You can access their research report here  This one was written by M.Bowden, R. Lane & Eleanor Salkeld.

Paul Remfry has an excellent description of Clifford Castle on his Castle Wales website and has written a fascinating and detailed account  Castle Wales

The Castle Studies Trust has given valuable assistance in helping us understand the past and structure of the Castle. Learn more about their work CST – Advancing the understanding of castles

Nick Joyce of Nick Joyce Architects managed the stabilisation project which took over 14 months, starting with analysis of the very first photos of the ruin to establish what needed doing, managing the budget, and striving for the highest standard of quality throughout. NJA

Treasure and Son, from Ludlow carried out all the stabilisation work from removing the first strand of ivy to pointing the last stone. Their care, attention to detail, and professionalism has been exemplary and they have been a pleasure to work with. Treasure and Son