
Working with Historic England, we are embarking upon a stabilisation program for the Castle. This will not be with the intention of restoring it to its former glory : Far from it, the aim is to prevent the ruins from crumbling entirely. The combined effect of age, ivy, the weather and gravity (!) take a constant toll.

We have undertaken a full rectilinear high resolution photographic survey of the building, capturing each section of the ruin.

This is an example

Note the vertical crack under the window!
Note the vertical crack under the window!

Then, an architect prepares a detailed drawing showing what structural repairs need to be carried out on this section.

1816-09 tower_000001

Every stone is captured on this intricate drawing. The architect specifies which sections need to be rebuilt or repointed.

Stabilisation works have almost been completed on the Keep and Gatehouse, and  this section will be fully updated shortly.